Your Body's Energetic Blueprint

Your Body's Energetic Blueprint


Your Body’s Energetic Blueprint


Experience At Your Own Pace

7 Online Masterclasses Released Every Fortnight

You. Your Body. Your Emotional Connection to Soul.

The Chakra System Gives You Emotional Connections Through Your Body


  • Feeling totally clear on your life’s journey AND ready to start your next endeavor with inner strength from knowing your body’s emotional blueprint.

  • Finally feeling a restored power balance of yin/yang, feminine/masculine, giving/receiving AND knowing where you can turn to keep the emotional energy at a frequency that’s in alignment with your body/mind/spirit/heart and soul.

You're not alone in wanting to imagine your dream life IN real life!

Experience how your Energetic Blueprint can be masterfully unlocked with the powerful blend of step by step guidance and these ancient systems of energy wheels (chakras), that can guide your everyday choices impacting your health, wealth, and relationships at the level of your soul in positive and meaningful ways.

Knowing your next endeavor is waiting for you.
Not sometime later, and not for someone else to do.
But YOUR calling.
Utilizing ALL of you.

Honor who you authentically are and live from fulfilling your path through aligned actions AND receiving the gifts inherent with your body’s wisdom.

Essential oils are an integrated component of this holistic system and experience which will save you so much time in energy recovery. As people have been using plants as original medicine and emotional support, not to mention real food (!), for thousands of years.

I can’t wait to share how these easy to access (and sometimes completely overlooked) plants, energy centers (chakras) and (Ayurvedic) lifestyle principles can help you discover your true health and path to live without suffering from within.

Ready to get yourself back into balance, discover and align with your path to enhance your body’s innate sense of wellbeing and optimal health without any side effects besides feeling great?!


  • 7 Online Masterclasses: One for each energy center complete with rituals and movement practices for you to do all together, or at your own pace throughout the time between each one. One is released each fortnight with unlimited access to all 7 for an additional 90 days after the 14 week completion time.

  • 7 Essential Oils ($120 value) to practice with and use every day. (Mailed after registration is complete).

  • Support during the 14 days, with the week between offering simple check ins + insight to keep momentum (Plus a simple easy to follow PDF worksheet emailed in the off-week) throughout the course.

Allow true health, wealth and soul’s wisdom to be revealed through your body’s energetic blueprint with step by step guidance and supportive intuitive practices to tuning into your own subtle energy system and gateway to the emotional freedom your innate self has been craving to live into its full expression.

The journey begins when you register today!

Let’s do this. Together.

With ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜,


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