Focus Pocus Yoga Nidra

Focus Pocus Yoga Nidra


Scorpio ♏️ Full Moon

No need to say more. But I will 😊

This is the time to rest in the depths of stillness. The veil is thin. Peer into the deep waters of the emotional body to focus on deeper health issues. Across the full spectrum of bodies: Emotional, mental, physical, psychic/spiritual.

This is the sign ♏️ of the healer. Allow yourself to receive what needs to be welcomed back into wholeness. Healing at its truest sense.

In this almost 26 min experience, this yoga nidra meditation centers on the breath.

Recorded in stillness of silence, support yourself with either sitting upright (in meditationposture) or laying down (yoga nidra body more comfortable) if you feel called for more grounding to welcome rest in your body mind.

The simple beauty of this practice is that it focuses the mind on the breath so they become coherent. What arises from the once murky waters? Clarity. As the natural surfacing of all aspects can integrate with ease.

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