Inner Expansion Yoga Nidra

Inner Expansion Yoga Nidra


Sink into the depth of being with this 33 minute yoga Nidra practice. Recorded outdoors in the springtime where birds sing and the body effortlessly comes into harmony with the light. Full moon light of reflection time, sunshine in spring or summer time, or at any time when you are building momentum toward feeling into your own radiance for receptivity.

Often we consider growth with outward expansion, and abundance in the outer world for validation, but it is only as true as the inner depth of the container in which it can hold the up and out energy to be revealed.

This practice is complete with mudra and aromatherapy for being able to open to receptivity and in experiencing that, witness how the outer expression of fullness is waiting for you to envision its untapped potential.

Give yourself permission to unlock, unblock and undo the armor that prevents you from receiving all that is available to you. Unworthiness, inadequatecy, and/or self doubt dissipate when we look inward toward the inner vision of fully allowing the true Self to emerge.

Ready to remove the veil(s) of illusion and feel the beauty of who you truly are come through?

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Abundance Yoga Nidra in Nature

Abundance Yoga Nidra in Nature

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Nature Nidra ~ 14 minutes
