Yoga Nidra Open to the Light

Yoga Nidra Open to the Light


Enjoy this 27 minute yoga nidra guided meditation to deeply rest, restore, and replenish your body. At all levels.

As we tip into the lunar new year, when we see the growing of the moon light in harmony with tipping past Imbolc (first signs of spring in the solar wheel) to know that spring will be emerging soon. But for now, sink deeply into restful connection with your body.

From a place of inner connection, celebration and exploration. Gain flashes of insight, inspiration and align with the natural rhythm of rest in harmony with allowing time and space for your inner strength and light to shine.

Bring your personal gifts, purpose and knowing forward. Combined with mudra (gesture of the middle body, the heart 💚 chakra open) and quiet time to just be breathed….enjoy!

Perfect for activating intentions during/after the new moon in winter towards welcoming springtime.

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