Yoga Nidra for Purifying the Mind

Yoga Nidra for Purifying the Mind


This 26 minute yoga Nidra recorded live outdoors welcomes in the fresh air, light and nature. It allows the body to reconnect with the soil.

Mother Earth holds all the elements for purifying the mind, so that the soil of the soul can shine through.

Purification is a quality of the 5th charka, that governs communication, which helps to give us agency. Expression.

By turning towards the landscape of the body, our communication returns to it’s innate reset.

Inwardly, we can listen carefully to our inner thoughts, (our inner dialog) that may have in the past kept us safe and separate. However, without tending and befriending any negative thought patterns, including that of our inner voice, we will continue to keep ourselves limited, stuck, and repeating old ways.

When we recognize that truth is kind and loving, it guides us towards our purpose, widens our perspective and embraces our unique personality.

That is the freedom, liberation, that is the soil the soul needs to lean into. Listen and receive.

When you need to finally let the inner critic g

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